Merry Christmas (on Boxing Day...)
This is a little late, but I have been soaking up all the holiday goodness this year. Last year, Christmas day was a blur in the preparation for our trans-Atlantic move. This year, I have been savoring every move-less moment. We've made Christmas cookies, and had fires in our living room woodstove (courtesy of my husband with slightly pyromaniacal tendencies...) We've made lots of crafts, hosted a Christmas craft party for our home ed friends, and made presents. We went to a home ed nativity in Cheltenham. Justin was a date palm and Rebecca a donkey (closest thing to a horse...) We cut out snowflakes, read Christmas stories, and opened our advent calendar. (I filled the advent calendar with a hand-sewn felt nativity scene. That was an awesome idea, but better to have it sometime in October than in late November like I did. I had to sew every night to keep up! But now I have it for years to come!) My mom came a few days before Christmas, and we have hiked and shopped and playe...