Northern Wales: Morning at the Beach

Rebecca wanted to go to the beach when she found out how close we were, so on Saturday morning before we went castle-ing and hiking we stopped for a while at the beach. We found a nice open stretch of beach on our way up the coast to Conwy Castle. We all had fun, and enjoyed the cloudy grey beachiness. 

There were TONS of these weird brown bamboo-looking mussels (or something?) all over. They were long and rectangular almost. Anyone seen these before? Very different than the sort I'm used to seeing!

We saw lots of pretty ocean views, and the kids had fun playing in the very gentle tide.

Also, doesn't that look like a worm!! Well, it's not. It's just sand. I stepped on a bunch to make sure. (Not that I usually go around squashing worms. The first one I poked at to see and then realized it was sand.) Anyway, what makes that happen? Nature is so amazing! Really anywhere we go there is some small new detail we've never seen before.

Rebecca found lots of beautiful shells, and Justin found a rock that looks like sunset. It was a nice way to spend the morning, and I kept imagining swimming across to Ireland :) That's on our places-to-go list!


  1. i love looking around at the beach.
    Those shells look like some sort of razor clam to me.
    the little wormy things are, i think, casings from some type of snaily creature, but not sure. i see them here too and have looked them up but forget what i learned.

    1. Yeah, the beach is such a fun place. For kids, too. There's always something new to discover, and I think it's very calming for both my kids. Justin spent some time just staring out across the ocean, and it was sort of lovely.


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