Eiffel Tower
Our final stop in Paris before heading back was the Eiffel Tour. I pre-booked tickets for us to go to the summit that morning. I am including the first picture below to: 1) prove that I managed to navigate the public bus system in Paris with my rusty French; and 2) show how happy Justin immediately looks upon entering any form of public transit. We got off at the bus stop near Trocadero, walked by the amazing fountains there, and found ourselves at the base of this... But we were only at the base for a minute, before heading up the elevators all the way to the top! Pretty nice views, although I could only identify a few of the landmarks. Paris at our feet... On one of the floors there are glass floors which those who do not get scared of heights can walk on. Clearly, our kids are not worried about heights, as they happily jumped and danced on them. After touring the tower we descended and Becca asked to ride the carousel we saw on our way in. So ...