February Snow

And in our quick march through the past five months, we move from New Year's Day to mid-February...We didn't get anywhere near the snow we got last winter, but in February we did have a solid snowfall that was play-in-able. The neighborhood kids got a snow day off school so my kids joined them to build a snowman in the front yard and the green across from us in our cul-de-sac. Justin and Rebecca also set up a snow cone factory in our backyard using fruit juice and snow.

Everyone (except Eric) misses the proper snows of a good New England winter, but we feel grateful that we've had at least some snow in both of the winters we've been here so far.

The summer that followed last winter's exceptional snowfall was also exceptional in its hotness and dryness, so we'll see what this summer brings. This spring we've had only a handful of warm days, but we've definitely had quite a few sunny days. It's so nice because during the winter it feels like the whole country needs to be picked up by Thor or Zeus or someone and wrung out. Everything is just sort of soggy. It makes us all appreciate the sunshine and (relative) dryness of blue sky days.


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