A Year in the UK (Five Months Ago...) and an Annnouncement

Do you remember this breakfast above from my very first post? Well, to mark our one year anniversary in the UK we went to the very same pub we went to for our very first breakfast on New Year's Day. This time we weren't jet-lagged.  The kids want to make it a tradition, so maybe I'll post the same breakfast picture (on the same plate, no less) every year.

The pub was still all decked out for Christmas, so excuse the seasonally-inappropriate-by-now decor in the background. I haven't downloaded pictures from my phone since, oh, last December, so we will reminisce together as I catch up.

But my main reason for posting these pictures is that on New Year's Day, shortly after our anniversary breakfast, we also discovered that we will be welcoming a new person to our family in early September!

Here are some answers to FAQs:
1) We are all very excited.
2) I am now almost through the second trimester and have been feeling really good. I anticipate exhaustion to set in any week now :)
3) Justin will be 10, Rebecca will be 7, I will be 39, and Eric will be...well, let's just say it involves a zero and a four, not necessarily in that order, when the baby arrives.
4) We don't have a name picked out yet.
5) If you need anything from me in the next three or so years, now would be the time to ask. Once September comes I will probably disappear until 2022...

Anyway, that's my welcome-back-to-blogging post. More to come, if I can keep my act together...


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