
We are in Spain right now. We flew in on Monday and leave on Saturday. We flew into Madrid, then drove to the Sierra Nevada so that Eric could take the kids skiing. We are staying in an apartment hotel in a little pueblo at the base of the mountains and I am finally blogging because, well, Eric took the kids skiing and so I have time!

So far, according to Eric, the kids have taken really quickly to skiing and are both doing well. I told him to take pictures, so if he obliges I will post some later.

In the meanwhile, I am in the apartment in Aguas Blancas. There are mountains out the window and the sky is so blue. Sometimes, living in the UK, I forget the sky is actually blue! (I do actually love rainy weather, to be honest, but it is nice to see the sun for a few days.)

I have mostly been trying to catch up on planning for the kids home ed activities. But I also managed to go for a nice walk in the neighborhood around our hotel, and saw lots of pretty views of ruins and mountains and olive and almond trees.

I know pictures of the kids skiing would be more interesting, but at the moment I only have the pictures from my phone. So you will have to content yourself with pictures of my lunch on the hotel deck (we went into the nearest town to buy groceries this morning), some views from my walk, and the best orange I've ever eaten...

The blooming almond trees are so pretty right now, and there are lots of little trucks and shacks on the side of the road selling local honey. We are hoping to buy some before we leave, because I imagine it's pretty delicious.

Way off on those distant hills are some ruins of either fortifications or some sort of aqueduct. Probably fortifications, given the military history of this region. Sorry you can't see them in the picture. At least you can see the pretty blue sky!

Seriously, it's worth a trip to southern Spain just to buy a 3-kilo bag of oranges from a roadside petrol station and eat them ten times a day...


  1. So glad you are enjoying this trip. The scenery is extremely reminiscent of Santa Barbara. How far away is the snow?

    1. I know! Eric told me it would remind me of it, and it definitely does. The difference is that the high snowy peak is only a thirty minute drive upward. And this area at the base gets snow more than SB, too. Otherwise, it's very similar. You can see the Med from the top of the ski slopes on a clear day. It's a really pretty area!

  2. looks pretty, and sounds nice to have some alone time. Oh and i know what it's like to eat a perfect piece of fruit. I still remember in detail the best peach i ever ate from a central washington fruit stand.

    1. It's very strange to have alone time! It's so quiet! And fruit like that...way better than candy!


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