River Walking

The kids have loved exploring the river, but it can get pretty silty and rocky at points so they like to wear shoes. Justin wore his winter boots for awhile, but Eric suggested we look for water shoes. We found some serendipitously at our local Aldi and I bought a pair for each of us. As a consequence, we've been exploring the river quite a lot. We generally spend our Sundays after church parked in the shady spot by the river relaxing and rivering. We also hosted Becca's birthday party in this spot! It's one of the only outdoor places that has stayed cool (and green) during this hot dry spell.

Anyway, Eric has ventured really far down the river. He took both kids through the village via river, and he and Justin headed a few miles down the other way out toward the neighboring village.

Here are some pictures of the kids playing pre-water shoe. You will notice Justin's gigantic black boots. After this particular expedition they actually got stuck on his feet because they were so filled with water and it created a crazy suction. We laughed pretty hard as we tried to pry them off.

And in breaking news, just this past Sunday Rebecca learned to skip rocks in the river. Pretty exciting stuff! Also, we saw four trout.


  1. So much fun! Love the yard, the river walking, the kids delighting in adventures.


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