Lavender Fields Forever

A friend encouraged me to check out the lavender farm that is just a few minutes from our house. The lavender only blooms for a few weeks in the summer, and it happily coincided with my mom's visit, so we went to check it out. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was so beautiful!

With the fields of lavender stretching as far as the eye could see and the unusually hot and dry weather, it felt a bit like we'd accidentally hopped on a ferry to France.

The farm was a feast for the senses. We could see beautiful shades of purple stretching in every direction, we could smell the lavender every time we brushed against it, and when we stopped walking and paused to listen we could hear the most amazing background buzz of thousands and thousands of bees. The buzz was almost my favorite part!

Next to the lavender fields, the farmers created a little wildlife walk, and also left some meadows open to re-meadow in proper English meadow fashion. Apparently, since World War II most English wildflower meadows have succumbed to farming to the detriment of many species of plant and animal. So the lavender farm is sowing native seeds in an attempt to revive an English meadow.

Speaking of World War II, the farm also had several mounds like the one you see below. These were for machine guns during the war. The Luftwaffe used the nearby Broadway Tower as a landmark during the Blitz when they set out to bomb Coventry and other cities west and north of London. So the British put machine guns on this farm to shoot them down.


  1. So beautiful. And we had so much fun!

    1. Yes, still have to try the lavender tea I got there. Waiting for a cozy rainy day...which has yet to materialize!

  2. so pretty!!
    (really dont mean to be pesky but over the past month ive received no confirmation from you re: emails i sent. i just want to be sure you've received them, but no need to reply other than letting me know you have) (-: thanks.

    1. Ha, just emailed you back this morning...Yes, it was pretty!


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