And Finally...Edinburgh

On our last full day in Scotland we took a train into Edinburgh from a commuter town. We did this for two reasons: one, we had heard parking in the city was a mess; two, Justin really wanted to ride a specific model of train that ran there (a Mark 2 something or other...)

Edinburgh is a beautiful city. I was impressed with the old architecture and the beauty of all the buildings climbing up the steep hills. The castle was also beautiful, but super crowded even though we were there on a weekday, and it's not high season yet. Honestly, we like other less-crowded-but-more-in-ruins castles that we've visited. But we're glad we went!

See how crowded it is? There's the castle in the distance. We got audio tours for the kids, and they did enjoy listening. The castle is very complete and well-preserved (and restored). We enjoyed the great hall, and also seeing the Scottish crown jewels (no photos allowed). Oh, and we liked seeing the graffiti from American prisoners of war from the Revolution--one of the first depictions of the American flag was scratched into a door! Other than that, we wandered about and tried to find the least-crowded places.

Here's a picture of the Royal Mile. We walked around after the castle, ate some ice cream, and just sort of soaked in the city.

Then, we got on Justin's train back home. Here he is before boarding...


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