Where We Live, Part 2: The Village Playground

Once upon a time, a long time ago, before we all got the flu one after another, we used to go outside. One day, on a walk through the village, we saw a path marked with one of the Public Footpath signs, so we decided to see where it went.

Here are the kids climbing up the path. Just below is the main street through the village. At the top, we found...

the village playground!

It's set against a beautiful backdrop and the village cricket pitch (I think that's what it's called?) is right next to it. In spring and summer the village cricket team plays on the weekends. 

It's a nice playground, with swings, a teeter totter, and a climbing structure, a slide built into a hill (that's perfect for rolling down), a tunnel, plus a lot of open area to run around. The kids were very excited to find it, and we went back several times until the virus of doom took us all out.

We're excited to go back once we're better. (Well, the kids are already better, but I'm still sick since I was the last one to fall!)


  1. Sorry to hear you guys have been sick, but at least you have those beautiful landscapes beckoning you to get better!

    1. Yeah, it was pretty miserable. Here's hoping we stay well enough to explore more now!

  2. I hope that the fact that you wrote this means you are on the mend if not already fully recovered. Here’s to good health and fun times
    exploring new paths!

    1. Amen to that! Yes, I am on the mend. All better except a cough...Can't wait for that to be gone so we can really head out and about. (Fingers crossed...)


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