Dies Auri
That's me practicing my old rusty Latin...Anyone know what it means? We have a fairly child-led perspective of home education, and we generally encourage the kids to pursue their interests and try to facilitate that. We also like to avoid segregating learning from life, and instead hope our kids view learning as something that happens everyday, all the time, anywhere, rather than in a classroom (or in our case, at the kitchen table.) But part of letting our kids explore their own interests means exposing them to the great and beautiful things of the world so they know what is out there to be interested in :) I try to do this through the books we read, the places we go, and the ways we spend our time. And when I'm really on the ball (which is not usually) I try to overlap our reading with our exploring so the kids get exposed to a deeper slice of whatever it is I'm trying to expose them to. Recently, I've been ordering a bunch of books on Roman Britain from our libra...